Aitareya Upanishad: Essence and Sanskrit Grammar


Contains a lucid commentary for the Aitareya Upanishad, along with original verses in Sanskrit and a Latin transliteration and Sanskrit Grammar with padachheda and anvaya with case-vibhakti of each word is given clearly.

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Those verses in the Veda that amplify the greatness of man, his soul’s journey, and his ultimate purpose are
termed as Upanishad. Upanishad means essential guiding principle. It is a shrugging off of conflict, frustration, fear, & turmoil. Upanishad means being in sync with Time and Ambience, and Understanding each other’s Viewpoint.

This edition gives a crisp, tight rendering of original thought using words that are relevant and correctly understood in the modern times. It develops the concept of Brahman, a loving compassionate fluid that permeates all beings and the entire Creation. Only the inward senses can glimpse it, only a brave seeker can attempt the discovery. 7. Aitareya
Upanishads are masterly texts, meant for a sincere and serious aspirant. Basic qualifications include a command over language and neatness in attire. Prerequisites most needed to imbibe the knowledge are:

  • Respectfulness
  • Readiness to serve with cheerfulness
  • Discipline for a year with frugal lifestyle
  • Truthfulness and candor in communication

Excerpt from Aitareya Upanishad Verse 1.1.1

आत्मा वा इदमेक एवाग्र आसीन्नान्यत्किञ्चन मिषत्‌ ।
स ईक्षत लोकान्नु सृजा इति ॥ १.१.१
ātmā vā idameka evāgra āsīn nānyat kiñcana miṣat ।
sa īkṣata lokān nu sṛjā iti ॥ 1.1.1
आत्माm1/1 वै0 इदम्n1/1 एकःm1/1 एव0 अग्रेn7/1 आसीत्iii/1 लङ् 0 अन्यत्0 किञ्चन0 मिषत्‌ PrPA शतृ n1/1
सःm1/1 ईक्षतiii/1 लङ् लोकान्m2/3 नु0 सृजैi/1 लोट् इति0

अग्रे वै in the timeless beginnings इदम् this एकः one आत्मा soul एव alone आसीत् । was there. किञ्चन any अन्यत् other न not मिषत्‌ । is ogling. सः नु and he “लोकान् the worlds सृजानि let me create“ इति thus ऐक्षत ॥ thought.

आत्मा from आत्मान् from Root 38 अत सातत्यगमने । मिषत्‌ from Root 1352 मिष स्पर्धायाम् । सृजै इति by ayava and then elision sandhi is सृजा इति । सृजै from Root 1414 सृज विसर्गे । This Root is parasmaipadi सृजानि however Vedic usage is atmanepadi सृजै । ईक्षत is Vedic usage for ऐक्षत from Root 610 ईक्ष दर्शने ।

1.1.1 Before the beginning only the one Soul existed. There was naught else. The Soul willed – “Let me create Planes of Play”. In Sanskrit the term is लीला Leela = the Divine Play.

Origin or Big Bang has been visualized by the ancient Seers as a 3-step matrix, with an underlying 4th facet.

  1. Consciousness a perfect Stillness.
  2. Consciousness projects a single Entity, its power known as Virat or Maya.
  3. Conscious Projection differentiates into infinite planes, worlds, universes, intelligences, elements, energies, timeframes.
    This matrix has the underlying facet that the Consciousness and its Conscious Projection display a sinusoidal character,
    exhibiting, dissolving – manifest, unmanifest. This facet is reflected as the duality in creation in all aspects.

It is known as the first law to be taught, studied, ingrained and learnt; to lead a happy life.

Opposite Values are Complementary in Nature

Some things may be perceived as ugly, cruel, or disdainful. No matter, do not stain your heart, act from the intellect as per the norms of society, do not become bitter.
Aitareya is one of the earliest Upanishads and is attributed to sage Mahidasa Aitareya. It consists of five sections, viz. sections 21 to 25. These sections form the 4th, 5th, and 6th chapters of the 2nd part of the Rigveda Aranyaka.
It includes Sanskrit Grammar with padachheda and anvaya with case-vibhakti of each word, and a Latin transliteration of each verse.

Book Details

Author: Ashwini and Dipanshu
Publisher: Devotees of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ashram
Language: Sanskrit (with headings in English)
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789353219185
Pages: 500
Size: 7 x 9 inch
Interior: Black n White
Year: 2018
Edition: 1st
(Available Formats: PB HB eBook)